A backwards glance

My daughter over the holidays (having just scooped up a book sent by a publisher as a present for me), said, “you’ve had a great writing year.”

“Just a normal year,” I said.

But she disagreed, and began listing various things I’d done in 2015. She’d been paying attention, apparently, and she has a frighteningly good memory.

By the time she was through, I was forced to agree that it had been a great year. Which made me think that too often, we spend our time looking for the next accomplishment. I’ll feel like a success once I have a book published. I’ll feel like a success once I’m offered a bigger advance. I’ll feel like a success once I have an agent. Of course, as soon as we have any of these things, we immediately look to the next.

So, before making any resolutions this year, I suggest we take the advice of my 11-year-old, and spend a few moments celebrating the accomplishments of 2015. We probably all achieved more than we remember.

THEN, we pop the champagne. Happy old year, all, and happy new!

2 thoughts on “A backwards glance

  1. Sarah

    These 11-year olds – they notice things, eh? And then call you on it with a certain uncanniness. Nice, when it’s something you’ve accomplished, as yours did. Not so nice when it’s something you’ve omitted, glossed over, prevaricated on. Then it almost makes you miss the self-absorption of a toddler.


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