A landing of one’s own, that is.
For the past five years, I’ve been working from a tiny corner of my bedroom. This has some definite advantages: there’s a big window, I can spread my papers all over the bed, and if I occasionally need to scream into a pillow, there are plenty at hand.
However, there are also some problems. I have no drawers or shelves, so my research books tend to live in my dresser, on my bedside table, and in other stacks around the room. (Min doesn’t find this nearly as charming as I do.) Also, the computer is too temptingly close. It’s easy to check e-mail at 11 p.m., read a bunch of new editing notes, and spend the rest of the night fretting about how to revise.
All this MAY change.
There’s the little problem of an electrical outlet that needs to be moved. A new desk to be built. Some shelves to be hung. A lighting issue to be solved. But at the end of it all, I MIGHT have an office. Well, a stair landing. Of my very own.