Whenever I prove incapable of doing something simple — patching the hole left by the curtain rod which I incorrectly installed in the first place, for example — my dad (as he takes away my tools and heads off to fix the problem himself) mutters, “what the heck did I send you to university for?”
Well, let’s just acknowledge here and now that if I was supposed to learn fix-it skills at university, I flunked out.
But I apparently didn’t learn a thing about literature either, which I discover every time I take a quiz like this one.
Forty percent. Forty percent! And I (a) have an English degree, (b) am Canadian, and (c) supposedly devote my life to literature. You’d think I could pass a Canadian lit test.
What the heck did Dad send me to university for?!?
Probably to get me out of his house before I installed any curtain rods.
hee hee hee hee…
I’m also a Canadian with a BA in English Lit, and I hardly knew any of these either. Then again, I’m also into science fiction. The Mary Dempster question was the only one I knew off the top of my head.
Let’s just acknowledge that these quizzes are written solely to torture us with our own inferiority!
Sheesh Tanya, I got 40%, and I have an Engineering Degree. But I took lots of multiple choice tests, so I am a very good guesser. The only one of these facts I actually knew was the one about Lucy Maud.
Let me just pass the salt, Sarah, and you can rub it in!
But I can’t hang a curtain rod either!