Before the storm

I have been enjoying those idyllic days between delivering a manuscript and receiving the editing changes. The days during which all my writing seems perfect and my hours stretch gloriously free.

During this break, I have been writing self-indulgent nonsense which will likely never be published; crafting Christmas presents; baking; losing Words with Friends games against my mother and sister; reading; playing tennis; and even… hemming curtains (I know. Crazy. It’s as if my body’s been invaded by an alien imposter.)

I have to take advantage of these days because my next couple weeks are booked solid with school presentations and at some point during those weeks, there’s going to be a clunk in my inbox. An editor will have read my manuscript and discovered that my writing is not-at-all perfect.

Winter is coming.

(That was really nerdy, wasn’t it? That last line? I told you… alien imposter.)

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