The better generation

A couple weeks ago, my daughter printed some brochures advertising her availability to do odd jobs, then she passed them out around the neighbourhood.

“Should you fold them?” I asked, as she headed out the door. “So they fit in the mailboxes?”

“I don’t want to put them in mailboxes. I have to talk to people,” she said.

I would have stuffed them in the mailboxes and run, so obviously my 10-year-old is a better entrepreneur than I will ever be.

She’s since booked herself two jobs, one as a “mother’s helper” playing with two little boys while their mom makes dinner, and the other watering a vegetable garden. And now she’s created a business book.


I may be better at spelling, but her book is more organized than any of my work or financial systems.


Can you see where all of this is headed? Because I can. When she’s 16, my kid is going to self-publish her first book, and it’s still going to outsell all of my combined works.

Which is going to be a little hard on my ego. So I’m thinking we won’t teach her how to spell. Agreed?

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