Catching my breath…

Whew! What a week!

I spent the first half at various writing-related events, such as a brilliant conversation between Elizabeth Stewart, Susin Nielsen, and Cory Doctorow at the Vancouver International Writers Festival.

That half of the week ended with a gala dinner celebrating the 75th anniversary of the BC Teacher-Librarians’ Association. It was amazing — amazing! — to be surrounded by so much kidlit love. As fellow Vancouver writer Norma Charles wrote afterwards, “All these book lovers, they’re MY people.”

After that galavanting, I filled my Sexy Subaru with some of my closest friends and we drove up to Whistler for a girls’ weekend. I never talk as much or listen as well or laugh as hard as I do with these women. At one point, I had the same bite of apple cake in my mouth for a long, long time, because I was laughing so hard that swallowing would have been a choking hazard.

I may have to take my introvert self to a closet for a few days to recover, but I am so grateful to have such incredible professional and personal friends in my life. They all make me feel as if there’s plenty of hope for the world.

2 thoughts on “Catching my breath…

  1. Sylvia Zubke

    Dear Tanya,
    I so wanted to tell you at the BCTLA gala dinner what an impact you made on one of my students. She truly struggled with reading, and kept returning books to the library because they “weren’t interesting.” I showed her the Orca Sounding series and asked her if she would like to try one of them. She checked how many pages there were, and picked the colour she liked best. It was your book, “My Time as Caz Hazard.” She loved the book!! She wanted to book talk it to the class, and then everyone else wanted to read it, too. Magic!

  2. Tanya Post author

    Oh, that’s so nice! Thank you, Sylvia. It’s probably best you didn’t tell me that story at the gala — I would have smeared my mascara. 🙂


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