I thought you might be interested in the conversation I had in Safeway last week. My clerk was the young surfer-dude type, stocking the yoghurt shelves right next to where the butter was supposed to be. (Did I mention that I hate Safeway? How can a grocery store be completely out of butter?)
Tanya: You don’t have any more butter in the back, do you?
Safeway Surfer Dude: Butter?
Tanya: Butter
SSD: What does it look like?
Tanya: Um… it’s yellow. It’s usually on these shelves right here.
SSD: Does it come in plastic?
I’m not making this up. That’s what he said. And that’s when I grabbed a yoghurt tube, jabbed it in his ear, and left the store.
(Not really.)
(But I wanted to.)
Hi Tanya
Your blog is soooo neat! Sorry I haven’t been around for a while. I shall be a better blog friend from now on.
The safeway story is wild.
I feel the same way about your blog! We’ll have to on-line connect more often.