DNA Detective at the Lyceum

I visited Christianne’s Lyceum last night to meet with the Chronicle Crusaders, a parent-child book club. Then I faced off against the readers on a DNA crossword puzzle (I lost), and tried my hand at genetics pictionary (thus demonstrating why I don’t illustrate my own books).

The Lyceum is truly an amazing place. It’s chock full of books and curiosities and it draws the loveliest readers of both grown-up and kid varieties. One of the kids asked how royalties worked, so we had a rather depressing conversation about how writers get paid, but honestly… I could have been born on a farm in the Ukraine, and spent my life telling stories to chickens. How blessed am I to find myself in the Lyceum loft instead, eating dragon fruit and talking dragon’s blood trees?

Thank you, Chronicle Crusaders, for a fantastic evening!

2 thoughts on “DNA Detective at the Lyceum

  1. Maureen

    Thank you Tanya. It was a great experience for my myself and my daughter. Thank you for sharing your experiences as an author with us and for bringing DNA to life. Hazel loved that you signed her book.

  2. Tanya Post author

    It was nice to see both of you. We’ll have to manage a meet-up with Rachel and family one day! 🙂


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