Embracing the last of winter

Guess what I did this weekend.

No, really. Guess.

Read books? Well, yes. I did that. I finished Smile, my first graphic novel ever, and it was lovely.

Guess again.

Wrote books? Um… no. Because there were kids everywhere. Now they’re off school because of the teachers’ job action, and then there’s a two-week spring break. There’s not a scrap of private writing time in sight.

Complain? Okay, I may have done a little of that on the weekend. But more importantly, I went…


That’s correct. The Kyi family achieved winter recreation. And it was amazing! We strapped on our snowshoes — even the little bitty five-year-old versions — and we hiked off through the trees to a lodge where we had hot chocolate (and even gluten-free brownies) and then we hiked off through different trees until we emerged at our starting point. Along the way there were a few snowball fights, some snow angels, and shockingly few whines.

All in all, a huge success.

I am now officially ready for spring. Anytime.

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