Feeling cheesy

We were on the island for the weekend and my sister suggested we all tour Little Qualicum Cheeseworks. We saw rabbits and pigs, scratched goats, got licked by cows, tasted cheese, and sampled wine. I thought I’d wandered right into the organic farming chapters of The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

The trip also reminded me of something on my must-read-soon list:

It’s called Up We Grow (isn’t that a great title?) and it’s by friend and fellow CWILL BC member Deborah Hodge. I love Deborah’s writing, and I love food, and (from a distance, because, well, they smell) I love farms! I can’t wait to read it!

(On a side note, is anyone worried that the potato sprouts on the cover are actually a mutant life form, about to crawl up that girl’s nostrils? No? Okay. Me neither.)

2 thoughts on “Feeling cheesy

  1. Deborah Hodge

    Dear Kind and Good Tanya,

    Thank you for the lovely mention. I appreciate it! I also am envious of your visit to Little Qualicum Cheeseworks. I eat their cheese all the time and now a visit to their farm is on my “to-do” list.

    Hope you are doing well!



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