Freewrite of the week

Today’s freewrite topic from San Diego Momma is to “get specific” and write a detailed description. Here’s my contribution:

Her Best Dress

Blue cotton, dark like the lake water on the other side of the drop-off. Sprinkled with turquoise forget-me-nots so small that from far away they look like tiny stars. When she peers at them closely, she can see the variations of color in each thread.

Buttons up the back, tiny fabric-covered buttons impossible to fasten by herself. Buttons that say to the world, I have a flock of sisters to help me dress. A thin turquoise sash made from a scrap of material left over from little Christina’s third birthday gown, serendipitously the perfect color. And a wide white yoke that encircles her shoulders, catches her blonde hair as it falls, edged in the lace pattern that only her grandmother knows.

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