Help, I’m trapped in the spin cycle!

I found this video on Bookninja, where George Murray used it as a visual metaphor for his current mental state.

All I can say is it makes me feel somewhat better to know other people are also feeling overwhelmed. Due to a combination of work and mother-in-law, I’m afraid the blog is suffering. You’ll just have to grit your teeth until September, when things are due to slow down around here.

Why September? Well, I’ve reached the promised land and both children are in school at the same time for a grand total of four hours each week. In Kyi time, that’s like 28 hours.

I’ve also turned down all work for the fall. This could be frightening, as I have a sneaking suspicion that a few hours of work each week is what keeps me sane. It’s also possible that, given a break in our relationship, my publisher will realize she doesn’t actually love me after all. On the other hand, every other member of my extended family has a ridiculously busy season ahead, and it seems like a good idea for one of us (that would be me) to “keep calm and carry on.”

Plus… more time for blogging!

3 thoughts on “Help, I’m trapped in the spin cycle!

  1. cath

    this sounds like an excellent plan. i am on this plan too.
    I am also starting the ‘buy nothing’ plan, ala adbusters. Nothing new for a year (other than cheap groceries), got my share of sturdy underwear at the ready. and geez about 10 yrs worth of soap i’ve collected over the yrs.
    and hooray, more time for you to write those books we can read later.

  2. Tanya Post author

    Hey… if neither of us is working in the fall, maybe we can have that drink we talked about, oh… six months ago! (Are drinks included in the buy nothing plan? I could buy.)

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