Hoping for a fairytale holiday

Earlier this month I thought I had two lovely, open weeks to (a) complete my December writing goals, (b) wrap a mountain of presents, because we’ve apparently failed completely at reduced-consumption, and (c) experiment with gluten-free holiday baking.

And then, of course, we all got sick. First my son, then me, then Min, and finally my daughter.

But after dragging myself through a sea of tissues for a few days, I decided we could do some fun things even in our stuffy state. So my daughter and I went to high tea at Neverland yesterday, which proved a lovely escape. (We’ve already decided to spend the next school professional development day alternating between Neverland and Kidsbooks.) Then we went shopping for chocolates — highly healing. And finally we came home and embarked on a baking extravaganza. Pound cake, carrot cupcakes, and sugar cookies all in one evening.

This morning I sent her back to school and took myself and my laptop to Blenz, where I made good progress at accomplishing goal (a). And this afternoon is looking good for “wrapping up” (sorry, couldn’t resist) goal (b).

Plus… it’s supposed to snow tomorrow.

All in all, it’s beginning to feel a little less snotty, and a lot more like Christmas.

Hope you’re catching the holiday spirit, too!

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