Last week I promised advice on finding a writer’s group. Turns out, it’s a little like dating.
1. Hang out where other writers hang out. This might be at CANSCAIP meetings, or workshops, or even conferences. In Vancouver, you could try events at the Lyceum, or Roundtable presentations. And if you don’t have time for an evening class, try an on-line one like WritersWebWorkshop.
2. Once you’re at a workshop or event, talk to people! If you find someone who seems relatively normal, ask if she’s in a writing group. Tell her you’re looking for one. Be brave!
3. Network. If you don’t want to ask people directly, say something like, “Hey, I’m looking for a writing group or a critique partner. If you hear of anyone looking, let me know.” No pressure.
Of course, this only works if (a) you’re willing to read other people’s writing and (b) you can pay for a few workshops. There are varying degrees of time-committment and expense. But, if you’re pursuing writing as a career instead of a hobby, you’re going to have to invest a certain amount of time and money. You wouldn’t try to become a lawyer or a dentist by spending all your time by yourself in front of a keyboard.
Anyone else have helpful writer-dating advice? Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments! Or tell me the story of how you met your critique partner. I’m posting my (socially inept and rather embarrassing) story tomorrow.