
I’m part of a presentation to the Vancouver School Board tomorrow about the dismal state of my kids’ school. I’m a little nervous about the whole thing. I have to wear matching clothes and speak coherently, both of which are hit-and-miss goals for me.

On the bright side:

* I don’t have to wear my underwear outside my clothes, as I sometimes do when presenting about 50 Underwear Questions.

* I was once semi-trampled in a grade four stampede for bookmarks, and water was spilled all over my presentation materials. There are no bookmarks on offer tomorrow, and I’ll be sure to refuse water.

* The trustees are significantly less likely to pick their noses during my presentation than my usual audience members.

Wish me luck!

4 thoughts on “Jitters

  1. Tanya Post author

    It went very well! Thanks for asking, Jacqui. 🙂

    The trustees (though they always look serious and impassive) were receptive, and our photos of the school fields with water plants growing in them (really) got good gasps and laughs from the crowd. Plus, the facilities dept. reassured us that we’re still on schedule for our seismic upgrade.

    The evening wouldn’t have been complete without SOME drama, of course, so I left all our handouts at home, and then called Min 15 minutes before the meeting. He got the kids loaded into the car and drove to Broadway and Granville to deliver them in under 10 minutes. Worrisome, really, but useful on this occasion!


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