
Anywhere But Here was officially launched last night, with plenty of fun and fanfair, and perhaps a teensy bit of Prosecco.

Kidsbooks did an amazing job of hosting a big crowd of friendly folks.

And wow — worlds collided for me. There were school friends there, and writing friends, and parent friends, and people I didn’t know at all! (Though I assume most of them came with my co-launcher, the lovely-in-pink Gabrielle Prendergast.) Min asked me if I was nervous speaking, but it was such a friendly gang that I think they would have applauded even if I spoke complete gibberish. (Which I may have. Who knows?)

Here’s a photo of me attempting to appear calm and collected while Simon and Schuster sales rep extraordinaire Kate Saunders offered a lovely introduction:


Dirty Girls Joanna and Alex with their new favourite book:


One of the many displays ALL over the store. Look how nicely the Anywhere But Here and Audacious covers matched.


Coincidentally, Gabrielle and I matched, too! Though I’m thinking I should have placed that pink Audacious pin a little higher. Does it look like I have a mutant nipple, or is it just me?


And finally, writers Rachelle Delaney and Lori Sherritt-Fleming, two of the Insklingers, without whom the book would never have been written.


Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with me!

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