My daughter and 80 other grade 6/7s just pulled away on a school bus, headed for three days at outdoors camp. She was so excited this morning, she didn’t even complain when I woke her up at 7 a.m.
She DID complain as we packed her bags last night, and I vetoed the pink jean shorts and the flowered tank top and added a toque and soccer pants (which are actually long johns but can only be called soccer pants in my daughter’s presence).
I showed her the weather forecast (thunderstorms) and gave her the “no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear” line, but they had little impact.
Eventually, I left the room to count to ten and hiss at Min: “She doesn’t care about being warm! She only cares about looking cute!”
Very calmly, he said: “You should call your dad right now and apologize for when you were 12.”
Dad (since today’s your birthday and all), I hereby apologize.
I had the same conversation with my 12 year old tonight.
One day they’re going to call us and apologize! 🙂
And did he get his call?? Ha ha!!
He’s a regular reader, so maybe this post counts as his call.