Special delivery

Look what arrived at my door yesterday! It came just in time for me to show it off at a writer’s group meeting, and just in time to get packed in my Ontario bag.

These copies arrived by mail. The rest are still on a ship somewhere, crossing the Pacific. But I can’t wait for them to arrive, mostly so everyone can experience illustrator Lil Crump’s sense of humour. Wait until you see how she’s transformed DNA scientists into rock stars…


3 thoughts on “Special delivery

  1. Lil

    Ooh they look nice:) I’ve heard my copies are on route. Thanks for the kind words. My book club buddies were pretty excited when I shared the preview link on the Annick website. I tell all what a great writer you are.

  2. Tanya Post author

    We hereby call into session the first meeting of the cross-country mutual admiration society… 🙂

  3. Jacqui

    Woohooo! Look at that. I guess my book is somewhere on the Pacific, too. What a wonderful collaboration of work, you two. Your cross-country mutual admiration society has its first groupie…

    Good luck in Ontario, Tanya!


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