Tag Archives: procrastination


Min and I both have such flexible schedules that the neighbours have asked if we’re drug dealers.

To which I said, “creativity’s a drug, man.”

Just kidding. I said no such thing.

Today I spent a total of one hour on my editing changes, then I cooked with the grade ones at the school, helped organize a field trip, went to the grocery store and the library, emailed a bunch of people, and cooked enchiladas. It’s not even 3 p.m. yet. I think it would have been a lot easier to sit my butt in my chair and do my work, no?

At the library, I picked up Manage Your Day-to-Day. The library’s hold system is an interesting thing. I see a book that interests me, request it, and it turns up at the local branch after an unpredictable wait time, usually just as I’ve forgotten what the heck I ordered. On the day I requested this book, I must have felt particularly overwhelmed. (Instead of embracing procrastination, as I have today.)

Needed or not, it’s a beautifully designed little tome. And already I’ve found interesting words on the first few pages. Such as “a room of one’s own no longer means you’re all alone.”

I only hope that reading it doesn’t increase my productivity too much. I’d hate to ruin the neighbours’ sketchy opinions of me.