Tag Archives: Steve Rolston

One of the ladies who lunch

Today, my publisher (Colleen MacMillan at Annick Press) is taking me and illustrator Steve Rolston out to lunch to celebrate the release of Seeing Red.

Colleen has an office in a shabby chic historical building. Sunlight floods in through big windows to land on shelves and shelves of books and a jumble of computers and manuscripts and work tables. It’s exactly as you might picture a publisher’s office. She also has a knack for choosing lovely lunch places.

So, this is all very glamorous. I plan on brushing my teeth for the occasion. Maybe even my hair.

The big reveal

Here it is! The project I’ve been working on for the last few months. It’s all about the non-scientific roles that blood plays in human culture. (Hmmm… I’m really going to have to find a more-fun way to say that.) For now, the cover probably says it best:

It’s illustrated by graphic artist Steve Rolston, entirely in black, white, and red. It looks fantastically cool and I’m justalittlebitexcited.

Real-life copies available in the spring!