What not to do

Remember last week when I shared my fierce outlining strategies that were going to get me through the final chapter of my manuscript? Well, consider that the “do” list. This week, I bring you the “don’ts.”

If you want to finish your book, do not:

1. Download the ridiculously addictive Word Seek app and then rage when you land in the 50th percentile, again and again and again.

2. Buy the latest epic fantasy, thinking you’ll only read it in the evenings. Damn you, Guy Kay.

3. Let your child get strep throat.

In my defence, that third one was entirely out of my control. And, in a manic fit of efficiency, I did indeed finish my last chapter on Friday.

Now I have ten days to make the manuscript approximately one billion times more fun and interesting.


2 thoughts on “What not to do

  1. Sandy

    Tan, about that game…
    1. Sorry I passed that one on. I too am addicted.
    2. There is an online cheat that some people use to get more time. If you look at the top scorers they have impossible word counts. Those of us who don’t cheat have to account for that! Feel better now?


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