What’s a widget?

Check out my new slideshow along the right-hand side. It’s called a widget. Who knew? I haven’t managed to get the dimensions quite right, but I am now ready to hypnotize people with a steadily rotating array of books.

It’s linked to Amazon ’cause… well… Kidsbooks doesn’t have widgets. And frickin’ Duthies is closed.

Still, it’s pretty cool. Watch:

You are now getting sleeeeepy…. when I clap twice, you will awake, with no idea what books you may have ordered…

(Or does that only happen to me on-line?)

2 thoughts on “What’s a widget?

  1. Brandy

    Oh my goodness, I had no idea how many books you've written until I stared at your widget for a few minutes. I think I fell asleep at one point and dreamt about how rich you must be! Ha ha. Good for you and all your success.


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