Check out my new slideshow along the right-hand side. It’s called a widget. Who knew? I haven’t managed to get the dimensions quite right, but I am now ready to hypnotize people with a steadily rotating array of books.
It’s linked to Amazon ’cause… well… Kidsbooks doesn’t have widgets. And frickin’ Duthies is closed.
Still, it’s pretty cool. Watch:
You are now getting sleeeeepy…. when I clap twice, you will awake, with no idea what books you may have ordered…
(Or does that only happen to me on-line?)
Oh my goodness, I had no idea how many books you've written until I stared at your widget for a few minutes. I think I fell asleep at one point and dreamt about how rich you must be! Ha ha. Good for you and all your success.
Um… yeah… that happens in my dreams, too. Unfortunately, not so much in real life!