I read the first few chapters of Sarah N. Harvey’s The Lit Report at breakfast yesterday. Then I read the quote on the back cover which said:
“I loved the book! I read it on one sitting… because I couldn’t put it down.”
– Kit Pearson
Well, it must be nice to be able to read a book at one sitting. Without any little hands putting syrup on it, or anyone yelling for attention. I didn’t want to put it down either, and I spent from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. looking at my children rather resentfully, while the book sat unopened and neglected on the kitchen table.
As soon as the munchkins went down for their naps, I was back to reading, and I had to speed read the last chapter in order to be finished in time, and not spend the entire afternoon resentful.
It was that good.