I’m on the final chapter of my new non-fiction manuscript and yeesh… where does the time go? (Well… to school field trips and beach days instead of writing, it seems!)
In these last stages, when the deadline’s looming and my motivation is dwindling, I have to stop putting the general “write” on my to-do list and start focussing:
– Write two sidebars
– Write three paragraphs of psychological background
– Finish two pages of chapter five story
And, of course:
– Make cupcakes
I find cupcakes rather important for achieving that final chapter.
I find this post so re-assuring and I think I will try the cupcake solution although my middle needs reduction from too many procrastinating trips to the fridge for cheese.
Maybe I’d better not though. I don’t have anyone to share cupcakes with and I would eat every one.